Patti Parrish School of Dance

Fall enrollment is now open!
Is there an enrollment fee?
There is a one time enrollment fee of $35 for new students only. This will be due at the time of enrollment in order to secure your dancer's placement in class.
How much is tuition?
Tuition is based on the age of your student and the length of the classes your student enrolls. Add-on classes are an additional fee. Please email pattiparrishschoolofdance@gmail.com for more information on tuition costs!
When is tuition due?
One half month tuition for August is due at registration and considered late after August 22nd.
Regular monthly tuition begins in September. Payments will now be due the 15th of the previous month and considered late 15 days later (ie September tuition is due August 15th and considered late after August 30th).
Cash, checks, and money orders are acceptable forms of payment in studio or credit cards and automatic ACH through the parent portal.
Monthly statements will be emailed the 10th of each month with tuition due on the 15th. A ten percent late fee will be assessed on the "balance due" if not paid within 15 days of the due date. (i.e. if September tuition is not paid by August 30th a late fee will be assessed.) Please see “Waivers” link on the parental portal page to see more details.
Where can I make tuition payments?
Cash, checks, and money orders are acceptable forms of payment. Partial payments may be made when necessary to accomodate extra fees due for costumes, competition entry fees, etc. Please place tuition checks in the drop box in the waiting room. You can also place order forms, entry forms, notes etc in the box. If your check is returned for non-sufficient funds, it must be redeemed with cash and a $30 penalty will be added. If this problem becomes a pattern, your account will be placed on a "cash basis only." If you make cash payments, please pay directly to a teacher and ask for a receipt.
Payments can also be made through our new studio online parent portal.
Can I have my tuition payments auto deducted from my account?
Yes! This can be arranged through the Online Parent Portal.
What age can my child start dance?
We accept dancers as young as 2 years old. At this age we will use song and dance to teach basic dance.
How do I know what classes are appropriate for my child?
We will be happy to help you decide which class or classes are most appropriate for your child. Please contact Miss Patti or Miss Marcie for class options.
What should my child wear for dance class?
Students are asked to wear a leotard and tights of their choosing, (no bare midriffs), pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes and older dancers will also need tan jazz shoes. Leotards and tights can be purchased at Black & Pink (local dance store), Walmart, Target, Academy or online. We recommend you purchase your shoes at Black & Pink so that you can be sized appropriately.
Will my child participate in community performances and/or competitions?
Our studio participates in one competition per year and a few community performances as age appropriate. These performance opportunities are usually in the Spring and will be announced as soon as they are scheduled. See our classes tab for information regarding classes and competitions.
When can we watch or observe classes?
Our first Visitor's Day is held in November. There be another Visitor's Day scheduled in late Spring. Parents are invited to observe their dancer's classes on these days. You will will be notified as to the exact date and time one week in advance.
What should I do if my child is ill or cannot attend class for any reason?
Proper dance training is best achieved when prompt and regular attendance for all classes. Perfect Attendance Awards will be given on stage at our Spring Recital to those students who attend all classes. Missed classes can be made-up, but will not count towards perfect attendance. No credit is given on tuition due to absences. When a child is ill or absent from class for any reason, please call or email the studio or text Miss Patti (918-557-0825) to inform us of the situation before the beginnning of the class.
How long is our commitment once we are enrolled?
Students are considered to be enrolled August through May and will be charged for classes unless we are notified by phone call or email of their withdrawal. We require two weeks notification.
Are there any additional fees?
Additional fees will be charged for costumes, competitions and recital. The annual dance recital requires the use of professionally made costumes. The costumes are planned by the studio and furnished by the parents. We try to keep the costume expense at a minimum. A costume deposit is due in October for the regular class costume. An additional costume deposit will be due November for each add-on class (i.e. Pointe, Hip Hop, Acrobatics.) Costumes WILL NOT be ordered unless the costume deposit has been paid and tuition is current. Costume deposits are non refundable. A recital fee will also be due the first week of April. This fee helps pay for the auditorium rental, stage crew, and other recital expenses and will include a t-shirt and a recital program book for each dancer.
When is recital?
Recital is typically the first weekend in June. Once the dates have been confirmed, we will post here on our website. There is no admission charged for our recital, and you are encouraged to invite your family and friends. While participation in the recital is not mandatory, we do feel that it is an important part of children's dance training, and their participation is encouraged.