Patti Parrish School of Dance
We will be utilizing text reminders for all of our dance classes this year. Please text to 81010 with the following codes.
All Dancers text to 81010 with text @ppdance
Please also text for each class below that your student is enrolled in. This will ensure that you receive appropriate information for each class.
**These have NOT been updated for the 2019-2020 season as of yet.
Monday Classes:
Text to 81010
with the message:
Petite Company @pppetiteco
Mini Company @ppminico
Senior Company @ppseniorco
Teen Acro @ppteenacro
Elem 1 5:30 @monelem1
Tuesday Classes:
Text to 81010
with the message
Elem 4 4:30 @pptueselem
Velocity @ppvelocity
Hip Hop/Acro @pphipacro
Pointe @pppointe
Teen class @ppteen
Wednedsay Classes:
Text to 81010
with the message:
2 Year Old 4:30 @ppwed2
3 Year Old 4:30 @ppwed3
4 year Old 5:30 @ppwed4
Elem Hip Hop @ppelemhip
Thursday classes:
Text to 81010
with the message:
Elem 2 4:30 @thurselem2
Elem 3 4:30 @thurselem3
4 year Olds 6:30 @ppthurs4
Elem Acro @ppelemacro
Teen Hip Hop @ppteenhip
Competitive Solos, Duos and Trios: @ppsdt
Velocity Competitive Group: @ppvelcomp